Law 685: Dispute Resolution
This course uses simulated exercises and videotaped demonstrations, as well as more traditional legal materials, to explore both the theory and practice of a variety of dispute resolution methods. These procedures may be required as a step in the litigation process or parties may choose to employ them in lieu of litigation. "The primary focus of the semester will be on developing a familiarity with the characteristics, possibilities, and problems of client interviewing and counseling, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and a variety of hybrid processes and settlement techniques. We shall also consider the process of selecting these methods and their suitability for particular cases.
Sequence and Prerequisites: None.
Evaluation: This evaluation method for this course may vary dependent upon the specific instructor. Please check the semester exam schedule and individual course page for further details for a specific semester offering.
Course Classification: Experiential
Categories: Litigation and Dispute Resolution / Upper-Level